Rebecca Dietz 443 326-3816
Yung Trinh 410 336-4218
Columbia Corner is the page where we explore what is happening in our town. If you have any information on an agency or event you think kids should know about, go to the Letters to the Editor page and send us your ideas in the comment box.
How Do They Pick Their Plays?
All their plays are based on books. Toba wanted kids who like to read to also see what it feels like to be in the middle of live drama. And she wanted kids who don’t like to read to still learn about great books. For example, most of you know of Dr. Seuss books. Well, they did the play Seussical, which is based on those books. Another example is the The Diary of Anne Frank, a play which is based on the book by the same name. You can see this play coming up in March and April.
How Can You go to Toby’s Youth Theatre?
Unlike Toby’s Dinner Theatre where plays are performed in the evening, Toby's Youth Theatre has performances only during the day. Generally kids go to the Youth Theatre as part of a school group, but anyone can go if you find a performance time that doesn't conflict with school. Most schools have money for field trips, so show your teacher this article and send him or her to the following website:
point out how educational and uplifting these plays are and then say "Pleeeaaassseee". You won't regret it!
Toby had a BIG IDEA! Then Toba had a BIG IDEA!
I bet you’re wondering, ‘Now who areToby and Toba and what are these big ideas I'm talking about?
Thirty years ago when Columbia was a new city, Toby Orenstein's BIG IDEA was to create Toby's Dinner Theatre on the edge of Symphony Woods. She has been the owner and artistic director ever since. Toby, her plays and her actors have been nominated for many distinguished honors and awards.
Twenty years ago Toba Barth had a job planning performing arts for children here in Columbia. She was also a mom who wanted a place to take her kids to see live theatre. Since Toby’s Dinner Theater only had plays in the evening, she thought, ‘What if we had plays during the day for kids?’ Schools could take kids on field trips to see plays. That way kids could get the experience of live theatre, the theatre would be used more often and actors could get more work. It would be a win-win-win situation. Toby and Toba developed the idea and now lots of schools take their students to the Youth Theatre every month. They have all kinds of plays – fun musicals, biographies, comedies and much more. Toba is now the Education Director of Toby's Youth Theatre.
Toba Barth and Prince Havely, who played Dr. Carson, after the KidzPost kids saw the production of Ben Carson M.D.
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