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Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

A Passion2Build Initiative

There is an old Hindu proverb about five blind men who were introduced to an elephant.  Each touched the elephant and began to tell the others what they found.  The first one encountered the side of the elephant and explained, "An elephant is large and mostly flat, like the side of a tent." 

Another, who had taken hold of the tusk, disagreed, "But no, the elephant is long, hard, curved and pointed like a warped fencing post."  The third felt the leg and described a "large pillar."  The two who felt the tail and the trunk insisted it was like a snake and a rope.  Standing around the elephant, the five men continued to argue what they knew to be true, unaware that had they worked together they would have been able to fairly accurately "CONSTRUCT THE ELEPHANT".
Do you think people should use pesticides (chemicals that get rid of insects and weeds) on their lawns?  They are very helpful for growing lush grass, but can wash into bodies of water like the Chesapeake Bay when it rains and pollute the water.  What do you think?  See below for our thoughts!  Then look at the bottom of the page for next month's question and send us your ideas!
I think that people should just use their lawnmower because it doesn’t hurt the environment.
No, because it washes into water and pollutes it.  You can also pick the weeds by hand.
No.  People should use compost; it’s more environmentally friendly.
No, pick the weeds yourself and pests aren’t so so bad.
No way!!!!  It’s better to have a clean healthy Bay for animals than having a pretty lawn!!!!  Pesticides don’t just kill weeds, they also kill other animals! 
No.  Pesticides can wash down storm drains and go into the Chesapeake Bay.  Although it makes your lawns look amazing, it hurts the environment deeply.  --Carly
No way Jose!  Al though it makes your garden pretty it is a horrible way to get rid of weeds, etc.  Pesticides flow into bays, waters and it poisons animals.  It might someday poison people too!  It causes many things to die and interrupts our food sources. 
I think people should not use pesticides on their lawns.  They should take care of weeds themselves.  People need to do hard labor and not pollute the Earth.  --Avery
No.  Pesticides endanger a lot of fish.  Also who cares how good your lawn looks.  You could also mow it or not do anything at all.  --Sean
What do you think?
The first amendment of the United States constitution gives citizens freedom of speech.  Do you think this also gives people or politicians the right to be rude to each other when they talk about politics?  And if you think people have the right to be rude, do you think it is a good way to take care of our country’s business and solve our problems?
To send us your opinion (35 words or less) on the next issue's question, please go to the Letters to the Editor page, write to "Dear Nic", put your ideas in the comment box and help us "Construct the Elephant."  We will include as many of your answers as we can!  Deadline to send us your thoughts is February 18th.
No.  The Bay is polluted enough already.  It doesn’t need more chemicals!
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