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Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

A Passion2Build Initiative

There is an old Hindu proverb about five blind men who were introduced to an elephant.  Each touched the elephant and began to tell the others what they found.  The first one encountered the side of the elephant and explained, "An elephant is large and mostly flat, like the side of a tent." 

Another, who had taken hold of the tusk, disagreed, "But no, the elephant is long, hard, curved and pointed like a warped fencing post."  The third felt the leg and described a "large pillar."  The two who felt the tail and the trunk insisted it was like a snake and a rope.  Standing around the elephant, the five men continued to argue what they knew to be true, unaware that had they worked together they would have been able to fairly accurately "CONSTRUCT THE ELEPHANT".

Howard County elementary school kids get one recess a day.  Some people think we should have two, because kids need to be active for greater physical health and because they will be more alert in the classroom.  What do you think?  See below for our thoughts!  Then look at the bottom of the page for next month's question and send us your ideas!
I think we should have two recesses because kids need lots of exercise and can easily get bored with too little free time.  --Katie
Two recesses – one at the beginning of the day and one before lunch.  They should be 30 minutes long.  This way kids will stay focused and get more exercise. 
Two, because kids like to have fun and sometimes you can’t have fun while working.  Also kids need exercise and if they don’t get enough they wiggle a lot. 
ONE, because you get to play when you are home, too.  The school board would make the school day longer if we had two recesses.  Who wants a longer school day?  --Rosa
I think we should have one a day because it takes away from learning.  Also in the warmer weather kids might get too tired and dehydrated and it is harder to learn then. 
I think we should have two recesses a day and at recess we should be able to do whatever we choose.  I think this because kids need exercise to get their brains going.  --Zoe
I think there should be one recess.  I also think there should be two 10 minute breaks in class.  It would be nice to have a 30 minute incentive every Friday at the end of the day.  Swansfield already has this but it would be nice for other schools to have it too.  --Carly
We should only have one recess because if we had more it would take more school days to learn the curriculum, and then we would have shorter winter breaks, shorter spring breaks and shorter summer vacation, and that means less family time.  --Kate
I would want two recesses because then you would get more fitness every day.  Then I would want school to start 15 minutes earlier so we wouldn’t miss out on learning.  --Beth
What do you think?
Do you think people should use pesticides (chemicals that get rid of insects and weeds) on their lawns?  They are very helpful for growing lush grass, but can wash into bodies of water like the Chesapeake Bay when it rains and pollute the water.  What do you think?
To send us your opinion (35 words or less) on the next issue's question, please go to the Letters to the Editor page, write to "Dear Nic", put your ideas in the comment box and help us "Construct the Elephant."  We will include as many of your answers as we can!  Deadline to send us your thoughts is December 2nd.
I think we should have two recesses because most students like physical activity and it would help them to work more efficiently in the classroom. 