Contact Us
Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

Passion2Build Initiative

Welcome to YOUR page.  Let us know what you think about KidzPost in general or any topic in particular.  And if you would like to  contribute to a page, write to the editor of the page with your ideas.

Enter your communication in the box provided below and then press "Submit".

We publish KidzPost the 1st of every month, so in order to be included in the next issue, we need to hear from you by the 15th.

HomeLetters to the EditorKidundrumDream Green OR ELSESuper Science
Mixed ReviewsPicture ColumbiaAll Things ArtsyStudents With SwagTo Be Continued
Partly PoetryOdd But AwesomeWhat's Cookin'Animation SensationSpectacular Sports

             ...A lot of people make New Year's resolutions to try to improve themselves in the new year. Do any of you make resolutions? If so, what, if you have any, are your strategies for keeping them? Write in below about what you're going to do in 2013! We'll publish your answers on this page.
From: (Your first name only and email address)

To:  (Put the name of the page editor you are addressing.  For example, to send something to Kidundrum, you would write "Dear Beth").
Write your letters, comments, submit poetry or other written material.
Click on the submit button below.