​On this page we will introduce you to many Leaders……..with Swag. You will find that a normal kid like you can make a huge impact on your community. And they live right here in your backyard. Well, not literally. You’re never too young to make a difference, so don’t look down on yourself, look UP to yourself!
Contact Us
Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

Passion2Build Initiative

HomeLetters to the EditorKidundrumDream Green OR ELSESuper Science
Mixed ReviewsPicture ColumbiaAll Things ArtsyStudents With SwagTo Be Continued
Partly PoetryOdd But AwesomeWhat's Cookin'Animation SensationSpectacular Sports

#1 The purpose of Picture Columbia is to entertain people with pictures.

#2 I hope people will see the true beauty of nature.

#1 The purpose of All Things Artsy is to teach kids how to do extraordinary art.

#2 I would like people to realize how artsy they really are.


#1 The purpose of Odd But Awesome is to inform and entertain kids  about fun facts.

#2 I hope my page gets kids excited about learning facts.


#1 The purpose of Dream Green Or Else is to educate kids about the environment.

#2 I hope it will encourage people to do green things.


#1 The purpose of What’s Cookin is to give people recipes.

#2 I hope it inspires people to cook. 

#1 The purpose of Kidundrum is to help kids with conflicts.

#2 It will help kids solve their own problems


#1 The purpose of Super Science is to inform people about science. 

#2 I hope it will inspire people to learn more outside of school.


#1 The purpose of To Be Continued is to entertain people by expressing myself through words.

#2 It will inspire students to write creatively.


#1 The purpose of my page is to inform people about books, movies and theatre.

#2  I hope it will make people interested in reading and the arts.

#1 the purpose of Spectacular Sports is to inform people about sports and sporting events.

#2 I hope it will inspire people to make good decisions as they play sports and give them information on the world of sports.
  This month I am  interviewing a very unique group of people, the whole...

 KidzPost Crew! 

 Below will be a description about each person's page(s) and an answer to these questions: 

  #1  What is the purpose of your page?
  #2  How do you hope it will impact the community? 

Let me give you some backround information on how and why the Columbia Kidzpost was started. Four years ago the original editors of KidzPost took a leadership class called Passion2Build. This class taught us that leaders envision solutions to community problems.  During the class, we interviewed State Delegate Liz Bobo to understand more about leaders by talking to one.  We learned that leaders listen,  study problems, take action and do not just preserve "the ways things always have been".  So we Passion2Builders decided we wanted to take action on a problem affecting kids in the community. After talking with Liz Bobo, we concluded that kids don’t have a lot of ways to get news in Columbia; and that is a big issue. Kids need to be aware of what is happening just as much as adults do.  

We then started brainstorming ideas to solve the dilemma and finally thought of the idea of a newsletter. At first, our goal was to inform kids about events in Columbia, and to entertain them. Now, our goals are to entertain, inform and inspire our peers. 

For example, let’s take my page.  The purpose of my page is to inform Howard County kids about their peers who are leaders and take action to benefit wour community.  I really hope this page will inspire others to take action in ways that build our community.  Hannah McFadden, my last interviewee, mentioned she trained 16-18 hours a week. As a result, she made it to the 2012 Paralympics in London, and is now someone others look up to. 

Now let me introduce you to the other KidzPost Editors:


#1 Animation Sensation entertains people with animation.

#2 I hope it will give kids more happiness.


#1 Partly Poetry is made to inspire kids to use their artistic creativity.

#2 It will help people express their feelings.