Love art and poetry? This is your page!  If we inspire you to write a poem or draw a picture, send it to us at passion2build@comcast.net and we will publish as many as we can.  Make sure it stays with our theme, which for the April issue will be spring and new birth.

Contact Us
Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

Passion2Build Initiative

HomeLetters to the EditorKidundrumDream Green OR ELSESuper Science
Mixed ReviewsPicture ColumbiaAll Things ArtsyStudents With SwagTo Be Continued
Partly PoetryOdd But AwesomeWhat's Cookin'Animation SensationSpectacular Sports

Art and Poetry by Kate

A very very
Strange      thing.        People
Can have good luck, or bad luck.
 Every          Day      of our       
Lives: this
- To make your poem interesting to look at, mold it to form a shape. This poem depicts the four leaves of a four leaf clover, however, you can experement with different shapes!
- To make your drawings more exciting, choose a few important items in your drawing, and make them pop out. You can use simple shapes such as the cone (leprechaun and pot of gold), or simply creasing paper (clover) to add a third dimension to your art!