Dear Readers: 

Each issue of Columbia Kidz Post, I will write a new chapter.  Keep reading to find out what happens!  

You will find the most recent chapter at the top of the page.  If this is your first time visiting my page, use the links at the bottom to start with Chapter 1 and catch up.
HomeLetters to the EditorKidundrumDream Green OR ELSESuper Science
Mixed ReviewsPicture ColumbiaAll Things ArtsyStudents With SwagTo Be Continued
Partly PoetryOdd But AwesomeWhat's Cookin'Animation SensationSpectacular Sports

Chapter 1, On the Move.....
Contact Us
Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

Passion2Build Initiative

~~ Ava Sophia ~~
   Luck of the Irish?
~~Ava Sophia~~             Previous Chapters:
Chapter 2, The Room

Chapter 3, The Damaged
My leg shattered…what does this mean? I tried to think about it but my mind was coming apart in pieces like my leg. I started panicking. I thought this was only temporary. I was having too much time to think, too much time to myself. One of my many thoughts was, was it my all fault? If only I hadn’t gone to that party then maybe none of this would have happened. That would mean no hospital and no hospital bills for my parents. They’re always fighting over money. They never get along anymore. The biggest part of my world coming down upon me was this very fact. My parents. Was this my life now? Sitting here thinking- hoping everything would get better when the very fact was everything—my leg, my mind and my family—are all in pieces. 

I stayed silent for a while trying to think about my current life and hopes for the future. This was when I realized my whole life was being based on hope now. Well I am doing a lot of hoping that March 17th will be awesome. Why? You may be asking. Simply because I’m Irish and I am hoping the Luck of the Irish comes to me! When I started communicating after my period of being silent I found out my parents had asked for my surgery on my leg to be on the 17th!!! This way I know it will have to be great! I started to imagine my leg and my life coming back together like a puzzle.

Melanie came to visit me and said that I’m all the gossip at school, some people think I’m super sick with mono or I moved away. This made me really sad because I’m going back to school once everything is ok, whenever that is. I’m just dreading that the only reason I will get attention is that people will feel sorry for me—a broken me. The panic started to return. Which Ava Maria would return to school—someone pieced back together like a broken and fragile vase or someone healed, strong and familiar?