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Should the number of teams in March Madness expand?

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Not Your Average Great-Great Grandfather
by Sean
Faufa Singh (Turboned Tornado) has completed nine - 26 mile marathons since he was 89.  On February 23, 2013, Singh completed his last marathon at 101 years of age in Hong Kong with a time of 1 hour 32 minutes and 28 seconds.

In 2011, Singh became the first person over 100 years of age to complete a marathon after finishing the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 2011 in 8 hours, 11 minutes and 6 seconds.

Singh was also the torch bearer for both the 2012 Olympics in London and the 2004 Olympics in Athens.  He was featured in Adidas's Nothing is Impossible campaign.

Singh's coach, Harmander Singh, who has coached him for 13 years, tells CNN that he is his best student because he's focused, determined, and single-minded which is ironic because he is "twice my age."

I think that the number of March Madness teams should increase. When more teams are included in the competition, it lets the teams play a larger variety of other teams. It displays more skill levels, and adds more variety to the competition overall.
I think that the number of March Madness teams shouldn't increase because the tournament should be for the elite teams and not for the teams who didn't perform well during the regular season.
No, I do not think they should expand the number of teams, 64 teams are enough. Plus, it would not make a difference. There is almost no way a 64th seed or below could win it so why add more. Also, adding more teams would mean more games so it would be hard for one person to catch all the action.
​Faufa Singh