Rebecca Dietz 443 326-3816
Yung Trinh 410 336-4218
Hi Everyone:
Please write to "Dear Beth" at and let me know what you think of our kidundrum—have you had this situation in the past, and if so, what did you do about it? I would really be interested in hearing how you solved the problem, and will add as many of your ideas to this page as we can.
Doing All the Work
KidzPost Kids
Tired of Doing All the Work
Dear Beth:
I had a group project for writing and my best friends were my partners. My friends made me do all the work and we all got a good grade, even though they did nothing! I still like them a lot and want to be their friends. I also don’t want them to be mad at me. What should I do?
Doing All the Work
Doing All the Work
KidzPost Kids
RE: Tired of Doing All the Work
Dear Doing All the Work:
I understand that these people are your best friends and you don’t want to get them in trouble, but you NEED to do something about this situation. You will have a lot of group projects in your future; if you keep doing all the work and don’t tell anyone, people are going to get grades they don’t deserve.
Here are some options: you could tell your teacher how you feel and ask for a different group in the future. Or, you could confront your friends in a nice, polite way so they won’t be upset and agree to split the work more evenly. You could involve the teacher by asking for help to come up with fair ways to divide up the work.
In most cases the above strategies will solve the problem. If everything you try fails, it is time to set up a conference with the teacher and your parents. Just about every problem has a solution if you work hard at finding it.
Also, if you have a problem you would like me to answer, send it to I will answer as many as I can in the next issue of KidzPost. Remember to sign your name like the above letter. (Examples: Sad and Confused, Mad Friend, etc.) To protect your privacy, do not give us your real name.