Welcome to Take Me 2 Your Leader.  On this page, we will be interviewing some inspiring leaders in our community.  For this issue, the KidzPost editors went to the Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore and interviewed the founder and director, Rebecca Hoffberger.   (To find out more about the museum,  go to the “Right Around The Corner “ page in this issue of KidzPost.)  
Contact Us
Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

Passion2Build Initiative

When we interviewed Ms Hoffberger she said she has kept a “Box of Wonders” (a list of ideas that fascinated her) ever since she was a child.  When she was planning to open the museum, she used a lot of the ideas from her box to plan the museum and the exhibits.  We have decided to create our own "Box of Wonders".  Send email  to Dear Avery at passion2build@comcast.net and tell us, using one sentence, what fascinates you.  We will publish as many of your ideas as we can.
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“If you read something that is beautiful to you, or you see an image you love, have a Box of Wonder that you throw your things in…If you’re true to listening into your life to what fascinates you, and you keep feeding yourself and become almost an addict, in a positive way, for those things that just amaze you, you can be someone who shares that and will draw other amazing people to you.” -- Rebecca Hoffman
On the Visionary Arts Museum:

“This is a national museum and education center devoted to people who listen within vs. always listening without (about) how everybody else has always done something…This is a museum that looks at fresh invention.”

On choosing artists:

“I was looking for people with the power of vision, who …were capable through imagination, of thinking of something new for the rest of us.”
On Planning Exhibits:

Every year we pick one grand theme that has bedeviled or inspired mankind.”
On the Most Rewarding Thing About her Job:

“The most rewarding is being able to be in touch with people like you, coming in with your own ideas, knowing that in your brain, in your hearts might be the ability to birth new wonder into the world that no one has ever ever even imagined…”

On Being a Leader:

“I think a real leader has to have the sense of using their life in such a way that will bring great benefit to somebody…No matter what comes at you, don’t look at it as a block; you look at it as a stepping stone to fulfilling (your dream) in an even more beautiful way.