Contact Us
Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

Passion2Build Initiative

You have probably heard the expression, "A picture is worth 1000 words."  Poetry is a method where we use a few "word pictures" to tell a larger story.  Each month we will feature a theme and will print as many of your poems  and pictures as we can.  Next month's theme is "Mischievous Art and Poetry".  You can send your poetry to us by going to the Letters to the Editor page and writing to "Dear Kate".  To send pictures email them to us by December 2nd at   It's a playground - have fun with words and pictures!
The turtle was dancing in the sea
As quickly as can be.
He flipped and twirled and did a spin
While balancing on his sturdy fin.

Poems by    Avery
Pond Illustration         by Kate 
A clean, silent pond
The water is pure and fresh
It is still and broad

A breeze blows through the air
Plants are here and there
Animals everywhere
Nature is taking care.
A river is running through the wood
Fish are everywhere
A healthy eco system is good
Nature is in our care.

Poem by       Kate
Illustration by              km 
Illustration by           Katie 
Turtle Illustration           by km 
HomeLetters To The EditorX Marks the SpotColumbia CornerKidundrumSuper Science
Bookworm's BitePicture ColumbiaToy StoriesRizzles & PuddlesTo Be ContinuedPartly Poetry
Party With PoliticsLaughing Out LoudTake Me To Your LeaderConstructing The Elephant