Each month we will interview a local leader to find out their ideas about leadership and what they are doing to help people in our county. You can tell us what you think of this interview or recommend someone you would like to hear from. Contact me by going to the Letters to the Editor page and writing to "Dear Avery".
Want to see our previous issue? Go to :
Rebecca Dietz 443 326-3816
Yung Trinh 410 336-4218
Hi Kids:
Remember the video you watched in the last issue of Take Me to Your Leader? Olympic Silver Medalist Lloyd Keaser talked about what it is like to win an Olympic medal and shared his ideas of what makes a good leader. Look below to see the sports cartoons you created to illustrate leadership qualities. If you didn’t have a chance to watch the video, you can click on the video below to watch it.
Note: Unless Mr. Anderson shows it to you in class, you will not be able to open the link at school. You can, however, do it from home. Just go to www.columbiakidzpost.com, click on Take Me To Your Leader, and then click on the video.
A leader needs to be able to listen to all the folks that he's trying to help....