Did you know we are constantly discovering new qualities about our universe and physical world?  Every day scientists use new information to do things we did not know how to do before.  Check out this column each month to learn what is happening in the field of science or follow us as we explore our world.  You can contact Ethan by going to the Letters to the Editor page and sending your comments to "Dear Ethan".
How will global climate change affect the Earth and its inhabitants?

It will affect us by making the Earth hotter, which will melt glaciers and raise water levels.  It has also made the oceans warmer, so some fish are dying, allowing other fish, like jellyfish, to become over-populated.  Meteorologists have evidence that warmer ocean temperatures create more frequent and more powerful weather systems, causing more tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods.  Eventually the earth will be too hot for life. 
Why do some people think global climate change isn’t real?

Some people think global climate change isn’t real because they cant see the effects off it and think it’s a dumb idea. Also they don’t like how scientists are blaming it on their use of fossil fuels.  Many industries, like coal and petroleum companies, don’t want concerns about global climate change to affect their business and profits. 
Source:  PBS NOVA:  Power Surge.  Aired April 20, 2011.

Click on this AWESOME NASA Kids site to find out more about climate change.
by    Ethan
How can we stop global climate change?

We can stop global climate change by putting less CO2 in the air and cutting down fewer trees.  We can do that by walking or biking more, using electric cars, using nuclear power, and wind, solar, or water energy.   Also there are coal-burning power plants that put the carbon back underground.  Many scientists and engineers are working on technologies that will produce energy without fossil fuels. 
In the past two issues we have explored black holes and the parts of a cell.  In this edition of Super Science we will consider some causes of global warming and discuss solutions.  Read on to see why you should care!
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Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

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What is global climate change?

Global Climate Change is the effect of CO2(carbon dioxide) in our atmosphere. The CO2 destroys our atmosphere, letting more heat in and less heat out, therefore heating the Earth.  It is caused by people putting too much in the air.  Some sources of CO2 are driving motor vehicles, burning coal, and burning other organic things.  Cutting down trees also warms the plant because trees turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.
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Why should kids care about global climate change?

Kids should care the most about global climate change because it’s going to affect them more because they will be alive when it fully takes effect. 
Is there a way to immediately cool the Earth down if it gets too warm?

Yes. If the earth got too hot, people could put lots of volcanic dust in the air.  It would act like a cold blanket. It would keep most of the heat out, causing the earth to cool.