Contact Us
Rebecca Dietz  443 326-3816
Yung Trinh       410 336-4218

Passion2Build Initiative

In the spirit of you can NEVER have too many toys, check here every month for Carly’s reviews of cool toys.  This column will feature toys for the buyer who is looking for both fun and fascination.  If you would like to recommend a toy for review, go to the Letters to the Editor page, write the name of the toy, and why you like it in the comment box and send it to "Dear Carly".

Skype is an amazing kind of software that allows you to video chat with your friends and family.  It has no cost.  All you have to do is go to to register.  There is another feature besides video chat, called I.M. (Instant Messaging).   On Skype, you can edit your status picture (which tells people whether you are available or not).  You can also make friends.  Your friends are people that you can chat with.  You can add friends by clicking on the new 
Review & Illustration by Carly
Review & Illustration           by Rosa
contact option.  You can also have a group conversation, although you can’t use the video chat feature with a group yet.  I hope that Skype is a program you will consider installing.  It is really worth it!!!   Happy chatting!
Want to see our previous issue?  Go to :
Squinkies are little rubber toys that come in the shape of plastic balls. There are all kinds of them, including cats, people, turtles, and bunnies. The balls come in different colors, too.   Squinkies don't do anything, but they're fun to play with.  I named all of mine, and my cousin and I made a kingdom, where one of my cats was the queen. You can buy Squinkies at Target or Toys"R"Us.  A set of 16 costs less than $5. Squinkies are squishy, colorful, and fun to play with.
HomeLetters To The EditorX Marks the SpotColumbia CornerKidundrumSuper Science
Bookworm's BitePicture ColumbiaToy StoriesRizzles & PuddlesTo Be ContinuedPartly Poetry
Party With PoliticsLaughing Out LoudTake Me To Your LeaderConstructing The Elephant